Wednesday 29 April 2015


        Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world without gravity? A world where we are as light as a feather and are not tied down to the solid ground? What would it feel like to be weightless? To be free? We hold so much within us. So much joy and so much pain. So much love and so much anger. If only all these things would fall away from us as easily as dew drops from a blade of grass. If only we could be free from the burdens we bear, the responsibilities we shoulder, the secrets we keep, the darkness we hide, the expectations we harbor and all the other chains that bind us to this broken world. Wouldn't life be better, our soul lighter if we could just shed away all our hurt, our uncertainty, our petty jealousies and bitterness? Will we become less than human if we are weightless? Do we have to cease loving in order to banish anger and hate and other ugly feelings? Do we have to give up joy to keep sadness from swallowing us? Will we lose what makes us fundamentally human if we choose to be free from the weight of the world? Or will we become more? More than just our duty, more than just our pain, more than what is expected from us, more than our shattered hopes and broken dreams, more than the fire of our fury, more than the poison of our hate, more, more, more.... Will we be stripped bare to the very essence of our soul? Who are we without our burdens and the darker side of our nature? To be human is to be both joy and sadness, love and hate, free and trapped, light and dark.... As long as we are human, we can never be weightless. Yet.... Would we be crushed beneath the weight of our sins, our failure, our flaws if we keep holding on? Would our humanity be our ultimate destruction?

P.S. Sorry for my dark musings. God bless.

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