Wednesday 9 April 2014

Live, Love, Learn and Literature

     That used to be my life motto. I wanted to live life to the fullest, love with all my heart and soul, learn new things every day and immerse myself in the world of literature. That used to be how I see things. Now, I don't know what my life motto is any more. I feel like a vagabond with nowhere else to go and nothing to live for. A ship lost at sea, searching in vain for any signs of a lighthouse or landmarks to help guide me through treacherous waters. I must be a pretty bad sailor to not be able to read the stars or bring any maps with me. I'm messed up like that.
    I had a dream today. A disturbing dream. All my hopes, fears and desires must have spilled over into the day dream I had just now. It was, at times, quite vivid. I won't write down the content of my dream but I will tell you that only dreams can make the impossible possible. Dreams are such an interesting and fascinating topic. Maybe I should study it further. Hmm.... Food for thought?
     Maybe one day I will live according to my old motto again. I just hope that it won't be too late by then.

P.S. God bless.

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