Friday 20 September 2013

Early Morning Ramblings

      I did not mean to miss the theater workshop today. But I know that all the excuses I give won't really matter in the long run. My lecturer's words from yesterday struck me hard. He said that we should be true to our profession as teachers and not disgrace this noble profession by acting selfishly and irresponsibly. That's what I've been doing throughout my life and I find it hard to let go of some of my vices. But I must try. I know I am not alone. He is with me every step of the way.
      I've decided to deal with my assignments one step at a time. All together, they are intimidating. So, I need to employ certain battle tactics to overcome them. Divide and conquer. An age old tactic. Hopefully, my efforts will be rewarded. I really shouldn't do anything last minute. It hurts and hinders whatever progress I've made. At least, my reflection is done. Not quite. I feel foolish sometimes. How can my troubles compare to those who live in poor, war-torn countries? They are insignificant compared to the suffering and misery the people in Africa or the Middle East experience every day.
       Time slips through our fingers so fast like fine grains of sand. We should treasure it and not waste it on petty things. What is my number one priority? He should come first in my life but I know I'm not as devoted as that yet. One day, I will be, though. The sky's a pale, watery blue today with wispy clouds unspooling like spun sugar across its wide expanse. Will it rain today, I wonder? The weather is so changeable lately. Should I indulge in playing squash today? It's been too long. Decisions, decisions. Signing out now.

P.S. May God bless you and yours. Have a good day!

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