Saturday 21 September 2013

What is in a name?

      I just made up a bunch of nicknames for my whole class. They're not meant as a joke or an insult. I just wanted to show my affection towards them. They feel like family to me. The nicknames I gave them are based on my perceptions of their personality or their physical attributes. Each and everyone of them has such a colourful and wacky personality that I had fun thinking up nicknames for them. They will change with time, of course Nothing is constant. Nothing but God. I call my class The Fairy Tale Class. Cute, right? I am going to post episodic stories of their shenanigans here for everyone's enjoyment. I do so love to share a good story. Be warned that all the stories I share here are fictional and not related to the personal lives of my classmates. I just wanted us to feel more like a close-knit family than a bunch of strangers thrown together by circumstances. Even if no one reads them, they will serve as a kind of stress reliever for me. Who knew my crazy classmates can become a source of inspiration for me to get my creative juices flowing? Huh. What is life? Life is life. Ignore my pointless remarks. I really shouldn't spend so much time posting weird stuff on my blog. My assignments await my presence, baring their sharp teeth in anticipation, eyes gleaming with bloodlust, hungry for the taste of my flesh.... Okay, that might be going a bit too far. Ah well, wish me luck! I'll definitely be armed to the teeth.

P.S. God bless you!

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