Wednesday 25 September 2013


There are so many thoughts running through my mind today. I decided to divide them into three main sections.

The Green-Eyed Monster
Jealousy is a poison that seeps into your heart and turns it as black as tar. I have felt this treacherous emotion countless times throughout my short life. It hurts not just others but myself. I admit I get jealous pretty easily even over the smallest things. One of my many vices. Jealousy arises from the desire of wanting to see other people fail. An ugly truth, isn't it? I wish to divest myself of this unsavoury emotion the way an insect sheds its old exoskeleton. But I am all too human. My will is weak. I easily fall prey to temptation. All I can do is not let the green-eyed monster get the better of me. I do not want other people to be hurt because of me.

The Coffee Incident
I feel like murdering Teddy. He is not cute and cuddly any longer. I can't believe I was forced to down one whole cup of vile coffee. Shudder. I had to hold back from puking the whole time I was hunting for treasure. Argh. It bloody ruined the treasure hunt for me. The coffee grounds floating on the ink-black surface, sticking to my teeth, rolling against the walls of my throat, stomach roiling like a turbulent sea... TEDDY! ARGH!

Pride Comes Before A Fall
My stupid, stupid pride. Sometimes, I feel like knocking myself out with a shovel. My damn pride cost my team a possible victory. It was so obvious. I can't believe how arrogant I was. Damn it! I bloody concentrated on the wrong clue! It was freaking unrelated! I should have seen it from the start, but no, I was too hung up on my 'superior' intellect. Argh. I am sorry. I should have been a better team member. I am sorry. I will do better next time.

Time to go.

P.S. God bless you!

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